Home > So Tired--Medical Stuff Again

So Tired--Medical Stuff Again

August 3rd, 2011 at 04:52 am

Six hours in the car is a long time, even if it is divided by three hours of appointments plus lunch in the cafeteria. I had my follow up appointment at VM today. It was a very long and spendy day and I almost fainted twice at the hospital. They made me use a wheelchair, which was just as well, as I exhausted myself walking from registration to the cafeteria. Things are going pretty well with the healing. Did have a small skin infection around the drainage tube so got a topical and an antibiotic for that. I go back in a week to get this last tube out.

I picked up my blood pressure meds while I was at the pharmacy getting the other two meds and had them order the other med I have to take and am almost out of but they don't keep in stock. I spent $65 on prescriptions today.

I had to fill up the van to the tune of $61.89 for 17 gallons. Normally a gas tank lasts four weeks, but not with a round trip to Seattle. And I'll have to do another one this month so gas is going to be much higher than the usual expenditure.

We ate out three meals today. I probably could have planned it better, but I didn't. Spent around $50 for that. I paid for Mom since she was doing the driving.

I ended up with a ton of ones and change, $15.35 worth, that went into the coin jar for the EF. I have $25 left, but $20 of that will go for my last prescription. Hopefully that other $5 will go to the EF if nothing comes up.

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