Home > Emergency Fund Update

Emergency Fund Update

August 2nd, 2011 at 02:15 am

I really wish the glitch that keeps logging me out here at SA would get fixed. There is not much point of having a remember me box to check if the site won't remember me. What's really annoying is I'll log in, write a blog entry, and then by the time I'm done writing it, I've been logged out and lose the entry. This one was just small and easily redoable. Anything longer I know to click control C on, but it still is very annoying. I used to be able to stay logged in for a month. Now I'm lucky if I can stay logged in for twenty minutes.

Anyway...the interest hit my savings account today. It was $1.86. I added it to the EF.

$1535.41 Beginning EF
+___1.86 Interest added
$1537.27 Ending EF

In looking over my notes I realized I had forgotten to add the 2nd quarter interest at CU#1 to my EF. It hit July 1st and was .46. I will send it to ING on Friday when I send the monthly $100. Not much point in making two transfers, especially for such a tiny amount.

2 Responses to “Emergency Fund Update”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am having the same problem with the logging out. It is pretty annoying. I thought it was my puter.

  2. scottish girl Says:

    I'm having problems logging out too.

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