Home > Meal Planning for Wednesday

Meal Planning for Wednesday

March 2nd, 2011 at 04:02 am

I've noticed that since I started slacking off on posting my meal planning that I've also been slacking off on keeping the meals economical. Part of this has been due to illness, but part of it has been due to laziness as well, so I'm going to go back to posting the meals and relative prices, or otherwise I'm going to go so far off track that I won't even be able to see the train. DH gets home tomorrow morning so he'll be accounted for in these meals.

So for tomorrow:

Pancakes ($1)
Real Maple Syrup ($1)
Scrambled Eggs (free, from chickens)
Milk ($2)

Total: $4

2 kids
Organic Deli meat sandwiches on homemade rolls ($3.25)
Orange (.50)
Banana (.25)
Baked goldfish crackers (.50)

2 adults
Chicken and vegetable soup ($2)
Grilled ham and cheese ($2)
Bananas (.50)

Total: $9

Spaghetti ($1)
Homemade Sauce:
Onion (.40)
2 cans tomato sauce ($2)
2 small cans tomato paste ($1)
2 large tomatoes($1)
Garlic (.25)
Basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme, salt and pepper (.50)
Milk ($2)
Total: $8.15

Total for day: $21.15

It's a little high, I usually try to keep it closer to $13 to $15 a day, but there will be enough spaghetti for leftovers for a few days for me and DH for lunches, so that will bring lunch costs down this week and it will all even out. There should be extra sauce beyond what is used on the leftover spaghetti so I will likely make a ravioli, sauce, and cheese bake with some leftover frozen ravioli I have.

2 Responses to “Meal Planning for Wednesday”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    I admire your keeping track of meal costs. I don't think I could even begin to do that. I feel good if I can just actually plan an entire week!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm a little spreadsheet crazy. It makes it easier to calculate all the costs of things when I have them all entered into my spreadsheet!

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