Home > $46.06 Worth of Groceries for $6.06

$46.06 Worth of Groceries for $6.06

February 3rd, 2011 at 10:01 pm

No, I didn't use some kind of magical couponing/rebating system. I had exactly one coupon for $1.50 off TP. DH and I simply used the $40 gift card he got to a local grocery store from his work for Christmas. But to make it stretch as far as possible, I waited until meat went on sale to use it. So we ended up with 4 beef pot roasts, 1 whole chicken, a 24 pack of Charmin toilet paper (son's allergies dictate this is about the only brand we can buy), six apples, six oranges, six bananas, 2 shampoos and a bodywash.

So now I have enough crockpot meat for the next five Sundays and enough fruit for a week.

We also signed up for their club card for greater discounts. It has the added benefit of giving you Alaska Airlines (the carrier he uses to go back and forth to work) miles for every $250 you spend. Now, I doubt very much we will be going back to that store any time in the near future because it is across the county and generally more expensive on a regular basis than the stores we normally shop. But if on the off chance we do go back there, his miles will build up.

We also picked up some milk on a rain check at our usual store. It was on sale Tuesday for $1.98 a gallon but they were sold out so DH got a rain check. We used it yesterday to get 2 gallons at $3.96. The price was back up to $3.29 a gallon, so it would have been $6.58 for the same amount, a savings of $2.62.

3 Responses to “$46.06 Worth of Groceries for $6.06”

  1. Savings Queen Says:

    Congrats on the wise purchases! It's like getting a bonus to have a gift card and then to use it at the right time!

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    You got a lot for the money!

  3. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great job stretching that gift card!

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