Home > Medical Spending

Medical Spending

September 27th, 2008 at 12:45 am

Well, techinically it's on Vision, but that falls in the medical category to me.

I took the kids to the eye doctor and they both got glasses, the younger one for the first time, so anyway...the costs of that were:

$204.97 glasses and frames for kid 1
$279.97 glasses and frames for kid 2
$484.94 subtotal for glasses
$103.00 doctor fee kid 1
$103.00 doctor fee kid 2
$690.94 total vision expense

I paid cash. The majority of this should be reimbursed by insurance in about 2 or 3 months time. I need to go soon. My glasses are about 3 years old the prescription isn't good anymore, so hopefully I can get in soon. I'll keep my own frames. I like them and they are in good shape still.

If my daughter's head had not gotten so much bigger that she'd outgrown her old frames I would have made her keep them another year. Both kids are really happy with their glasses.

2 Responses to “Medical Spending”

  1. fern Says:

    wow, it's been a very long time since i've seen you post! Welcome back, where the heck have ya been? Smile

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Hi. Thanks. I've been out writing in a different universe that I got distracted by. It's certainly not the one of money saving that is here. But I'm back now and will try to stay around this time. I've been catching up on the blogs of folks I missed while I was away. I'm up to June on yours.

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