Home > Lightspeed Again and Survey Updates

Lightspeed Again and Survey Updates

August 8th, 2007 at 02:04 am

I just redeemed points at Lightspeed today after doing a very large points survey. So that $10 should hit paypal either tomorrow or Wednesday, and my CU either Friday or Monday. Then it goes off to the EF.

I received a product to test Saturday from NFO so I am testing that for the next two weeks. I believe when I originally was chosen for it about six weeks ago, they said it would pay $5. But considering the product and how much there is of it, I'm happy if all I get out of it is the free product. Surveys from them have been very slow since I last cashed out.

Still nothing from ACOP or Pinecone. Nothing new from Y2C. And I'm up to 187 points at GTM after this morning's survey with them. Oh, I should say because of the high number of points for the last survey at Lightspeed, I still have 235 points in my account there.

Oh, I did do a $5 SurveySavvy survey today. It is the first one I have qualified for with them. They say it takes 2 weeks for it to be credited to my account and then when it is I'm not sure what I do. Probably send for a check or else it has to build to a certain amount before I can send for a check. I signed up with them over a year ago and this is the first time I've actually got the invitation early enough to even try to qualify. I'll keep you all updated on how this process goes and whether or not it is a legitimate company, though I've heard good things about them so I assume they are.

Paep, I sent you your referral link for GTM today. Everyone else, I sent them out a few days ago, the day I posted about it, so hopefully you all got them this time.

7 Responses to “Lightspeed Again and Survey Updates”

  1. Amber Says:

    Looks like you're doing ok with the surveys...I'll have to jump on board

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Wow! How do you keep up with all the surveys? I am always losing my code name and pin numbers!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Amber, if you want some referral links let me know and I'll send them out to you.

    Boo, I keep all of my welcome letters when I sign up and put them in a folder in my email box. They have the username and password in them. But for the most part they all have the same username and password because I almost always get to choose it. Since they aren't financial documents, having the same password for each won't hurt. And Pinecone sends the username and password with each invite.

  4. fern Says:

    Yeah, i haven't heard from pinecone in quite some time, like maybe a month or so?

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I think its been closer to six weeks since Pinecone has sent me a survey. They always seemed to do it so frequently back before I signed up. I was always reading about Ima getting checks from them on what seemed like a weekly basis.

  6. Amber Says:

    Thanks lucky that will be great

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    Okay, Amber I've sent you referral letters from 3 different survey sites.

    The ones below you can sign up for on your own:

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