Home > Starting the Garden

Starting the Garden

May 9th, 2007 at 06:52 pm

Yesterday I picked up some veggie starts for the garden.

$ 1.25 6 pack red cabbage starts
1.25 6 pack broccoli starts
1.25 6 pack cauliflower starts
1.25 6 pack green leaf lettuce starts
$ 5.00

$ 2.50 for 8 yellow summer squash starts
1.25 for one tri-color sage start
1.25 for one golden sage start
$ 5.00

Total spent on veggie starts: $10.00. I estimate harvesting at least $100.00 worth of vegetables from this $10 investment.

I also bought a package of kohlrabi seeds for $0.99 and found my packs of Kentucky Blue and Blue Lake green pole beans and hope to get them planted today.

I have some weeding to do first. Yesterday was nice and sunny that after my dentist appointment, I managed to mow the front roadside ditches and a small strip behind the horseshoe flowerbed, which is technically part of the greenway that the development is supposed to maintain but they never do. Since it was dandelions in bloom, I mowed them down to keep them from going to seed directly into the backside of that flower bed. That filled up my mower bag and wore me out. It also topped off the compost bin, so I am going to have to start the second bin going today, which means moving all the gardening stuff I've been storing in there out of it and finding another home for it.

I will mow more this afternoon. Probably inside the horseshoe flowerbed and maybe a wide circle around the umbrella clothesline. The wind was really strong yesterday but everything would have ended up with dandelion pollen on it if I had hung anything to dry on the line.

I also weeded the front foot down the length of my 32 foot roadside flowerbed. I still have to get at the back three feet of it, though. I would have done more but there's a creeping thorny vine in it that snuck over from the neighbor's yard and I have to find what I did with my garden gloves before I even attempt that. But it looks presentable from the road and that counts for a lot.

I really have to wash my car, too. If it gets warm enough I will try to get it done today. I want it done before my surgery on Friday. It is so dirty it is ridiculous.

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