Home > Bad Week for Blogging

Bad Week for Blogging

April 20th, 2007 at 12:32 am

This has been a rough week for getting on the computer and blogging. Rose is badly sick again for one. I thought it was pneumonia for awhile because of the depth of her coughing and the fact that she was getting dizzy.

But when I took her to the doctor her lungs and bronchials are clear. She has a severe sinus infection though and a chest cold. Lovely. $15 co-pay. So we got two prescriptions, generic zithromax and flonase. $20 total co-pay. I'm not sending her back to school until Monday.

Tobias had his first t-ball game and goodness its going to be boring. Two games a week that last far too long. We're definitely going back to soccer next year. This is too tedious and unenjoyable to watch and T says he was bored during the game. It was also very cold there. It isn't right on the river, the river is across the road and down in the gulley, but its close enough that it makes it quite cold. So blankets are going along for tonight's game. Rose will be staying home. I don't want her out in the cold. The neighbor girl will keep tabs on her.

I also spent $20.00 this week to fund T's hot lunch account.

I ordered my parkhopper for Disneyland which should arrive on the 25th. $189. I think that covers what has been spent this week, then.

And I've managed to write 9 pages this week. Not great but something.

2 Responses to “Bad Week for Blogging”

  1. JanH Says:

    Hope Rose feels better really soon!

  2. homebody Says:

    I can relate. T-ball has got to be the most boring game in the world. Until of course your little girl gets up to bat, all the boys move in and then she hits it over all their heads! I totally preferred soccer.

    Hope Rose is feeling better. DH and I have both been having allergy attacks recently.

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