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DH is Home and Writing the Book

March 2nd, 2007 at 05:39 am

So, I picked up DH yesterday at the airport. It was early release day at school so I took the kids and then we went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Which turned out to be quite expensive for the four of us, but gave everyone 2 meals worth of food. $45 for the meal, $9 for the tip. We tend to go here once a month on the day DH arrives home. Usually it doesn't coincide with early release so it is just the two us and comes to around $25 plus $5 tip. Big difference.

I am hoping this will be the only time we eat out for the rest of this paycycle. We really don't budget more than $60 a month for eating out. Probably shouldn't budget that much either, its not like its healthy.

Ah, well, can't change it now. So DH is home, which means I didn't get any writing done last night, but I did get two pages done before I went to pick him up. I don't know if I'll get anything done to night at all. I think DH is going to read the first 8 chapters tonight.

He is a very good sounding board for me, helps me when I get blocked and knows when I'm using filler. Doesn't happen often that I use filler, but it does tend to crop up when I'm just putting in chair time and not really in the flow of writing. Actually, I shouldn't call it chair time as I do my writing on my laptop, sitting on my bed, which is more comfortable for my posture than the computer chair and the PC keyboard.

I have been reading a writing book right now also. I'm not sure I agree with some of the things advised in it, as it was written in the early 1990's and I've seen plenty of good books out there since then that do the opposite of what they are advising here.

I think it best to probably go with my instincts on this, at least at this point in time. I know when my stuff isn't working, I know when its garbage, I know when its passable, and I know when its good. Which is a big reason why I have not attempted to try to publish the last book I wrote. I am not happy with parts of it and I figure working on this and letting the old stuff just kind of roam around in the back of my head for awhile may bring me around again to where I can fix the other book. We'll see, I suppose.

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