Home > Organized, Wrote, Didn't Spend

Organized, Wrote, Didn't Spend

February 12th, 2007 at 02:06 am

DH and I did some more organizing in the kitchen today. Mostly it was just moving things around to more convenient locations. This is the first real overhaul that we've done in there since moving in here in 1998. I'm happier with where stuff is now, though we are not done. We spent several hours on it, though.

I did do a little writing, wrote three more pages so I am up to 42 so far this year. That averages out to a page a day for 2007.

We didn't spend any money today and aside from a few PTR's, I didn't do anything to make money, either.

1 Responses to “Organized, Wrote, Didn't Spend”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Doesn't it feel great to be so organized and to clean out all the old stuff? Enjoy and good luck in foraging ahead!

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