Home > Just Venting

Just Venting

January 12th, 2007 at 08:02 am

Sometimes I wonder why I read the forums. I could just give my head a good crack against the wall for all the good it does answering some threads. Oh, its not most of the time, I do know this, but some days you run up against someone who says they want help but all they really want is "Oh, look at me, poor me, feel sorry for me, let me be the center of the universe." And against your better judgement you offer some common sense sound strategies knowing the will find a way not to take it.

Stubborn, bull-headed people in debt up to the hair folicles on the very tippy top of their heads, who say the have a problem but won't really admit to themselves that it really, truly exists or that they really need the advice. Won't consider the remote possiblility that their luxury items need to be cut out pronto so they can pay their real bills.

No cable? The horror. Child has to give up an acivity? Heaven forbid spoiled junior has to give up anything. $50 haircut at the salon? But I need that for me, I must have something for me when I'm cutting back everywhere else (but not really). But I don't have money to pay my (insert mortgage, car payment, power bill, sewer, garbage, water, etc.) whatever that I actually need to pay! Help me.

Sorry, this isn't brought on by any one post, just been building up. It's saving advice, but some people really just don't want any. They want a way to shoot down any that is given though and then wonder why they can't get ahead.

15 Responses to “Just Venting”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Um, wasn't me, was it? I swear I'll listen this time. But first, let me regale you with my latest sob story... and I really do need my country club membership!

  2. nance Says:

    You are so right! I think that some people want a "magic pill" to solve their problems. They don't want to make necessary changes. They think they "deserve" all of the things they spend money on. It can't be " their" fault that they are in trouble. Once, I pointed out an obvious "money drain", and wow, did I ever get his wrath!

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    well, as the daughter of an alcoholic, all i can tell you is that folks have to hit their own version of 'rock bottom'. until then, it'll never click and they won't take the stance of desparate times call for desparate measures. when someone's not there yet, they're just not there yet. it'll do nothing but frustrate you to enter their world and try to help them when they're not ready and willing to be helped yet.

    not saying it's right, not saying it's the grown-up thing to do, but i am gonna say that it is infinitely easier to mope and be melancholy about a situation as it is than to actually take initiative and action to do something about it.

    add to that the fact that most people in financial troubles know at some level that it's their own darn fault, and you get someone frozen in their own drama, trying to rationalize the past and present financial decisions so they don't feel quite so bad.

    with that said, if you're gonna ask for help at least have the good graces to say "i appreciate your input, thanks for taking the time to respond" rather than "no, you don't get it, i can't do or change any of the things you're suggesting, why aren't you people listening to me?!?!???"

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I certainly do agree with what you are saying. Almost everyone on this forum is great, but once in a while you will run into someone. They are four car payments behind, but their child has to have riding lessons every week. Everyone is so sweet to her, but I think they are just wasting their time.

  5. carol Says:

    Well said and then some! I have also seen that type of attitude and behavior any number of places and other forums on the 'Net.
    I also see that type of behavior and attitude at home with my boys and their dad.

    And they wonder why mom blows her top after so long so many times of the same "oh poor me, you are so mean to me" blah blah blah...

    My patience runs out somewhere along the line. If someone is going to ask for my input, be ready to hear the truth. I they are going to ask for my advice, be ready to listen, then make a serious attempt to start following thru. If they ask for solutions and answers, listen, then start applying at least one of them.

    What a waste of my time, energy, and effort for people to ask for my input, advice, offers of assistance, and solutions, often times quick and efficient, then have the gall to turn right around, and start finding fault with, criticizing, attacking, whining, contradicting everything that I took the time to listen to them, talk to, and counsel them. I have too many other things to do with my time than to waste it with somone who does not really want to change or do something to solve their problems.

  6. living_in_oz Says:

    Gosh! I'm glad it's not just me that feels this way!LOL I usually avoid making any comments. They usually don't want to hear it anyway....

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Please help me while I defend my bad habits....

    Good point LR. I havent been in the discussion boards for a while...but Ive certainly seen these types there before. Hopefully, someone reading our suggestions (other than the reluctant requestor) will find a nugget in our suggestions and our efforts arent really for naught.

  8. monkeymama Says:

    I am so FED up with people on this issue - mostly in the real world.

    When people either come to me or whine to me incessantly about their finances, I try to offer whatever advice I have. (If they mind their own business or don't ask for advice, I mind my own too - mind you). IT usually ends up with blank stares and sometimes anger (When I suggested someone get a 2nd job). Apparently today's middle class is above 2nd jobs and giving up cable and salon visit.

    I give up.

    I notice this A LOT in the middle class. I have a lot of not very well off friends and relatives who would never complain - they would have, and have, give up almost anything, and take on a 2nd, 3rd job. They are going to make it much further in life and financially than this breed of whiny middle class. I Am so fed up with them. & I clarify that because most of these people are very middle class and make a decent wage - the ones driving me batty. They just can't give up a single thing. IT's like a diet, you trim the fat - cut expenses and/or make more money. IT is that simple. But the concept is lost on many. The class of people who want it all and they want it all now. They aren't going into debt over rent and bills, it is all the excess. But soon enough they can't pay the rent or the electricity as it starts to snowball.

  9. LuxLiving Says:

    hahahaaaaaaaa - I thought I detected a note of well shall I say well deserved impatience!!

    I get this from a family member all the time...and I say to them,

    "Are you ready to deal with it or do you just want to bitch about it AGAIN?"

    Bitching is fine w/me IF and I Do mean IF they understand that they are just prolonging their own agony AND I'm feeling generous that day. Some days I will just tell them, "sorry I don't have time to listen to you bitch today, maybe never!" haheeeee!!!

    We all have our blind spots but REALLY people when you are smart enough to come and ask for advice in a good spot and have folks all around who have dug themselves out of the same kinds scrapes mighten it just pay to listen??!!?? ..and at least give a honest effort at trying some of the methods offered???

    DUH! It might be that someone else knows one or two things that you don't.

    You are not wrong to be impatient LR! Says so right in the bible, "Do not cast your pearls before swine."

  10. scfr Says:

    I haven't seen much of this type of behavior on this forum .... which is part of why I love this forum and it is the only one I participate in! Perhaps I'm missing the threads where this happens?

    I do see plenty of this type of behavior in the "real world" tho' and it's especially frustrating when it's a family member.

  11. fern Says:

    Well, honesty is the best policy. Maybe what you told us here you should also say there in the forums. We're not going to help anyone by being 'nice,' right?

    There seems to be a sense of entitlement today in younger people (no offense to those of you in their 20s) that didn't exist in my parents' or grandparents' generation. If you wanted something, you worked for it until you could afford it.

  12. debtfreeme Says:

    I completly agree. It is very rare that i will make a comment in the forums unoess it is something fun or if i can provide a quick piece of information but NO advice. Simple as that. It drives me up the wall some of th complaints that happen. Some of you know the circumstances i grew up with and the lack of anything really unless it was second hand. but some people just need to get real. It drives me up the wal this sense of entitlement tat many people have these days. I am greatdul form my grandparents for intilling in all of us the idea the except for education and a house, everything else you work for until you can pay cash. (and to be honest they would still rather it be cash for education and a house too.

    Thank you for these words, it echos what i have been thinkign this week as i catch up from being out fo the forums for a couple months.

  13. marjorie Says:

    Dealing with this with someone from work. He's being very good about trying (now) to get his credit straightened out, so start at least making minimal payments on everything. Sacrificing now for greater good later. Right up until I hear "I know my daughter said she was going to buy her own wedding dress, but I think I should. I'm planning on taking $$ from my retirement account to pay my share of the wedding, what's a little more?" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

  14. baselle Says:

    I guess I'm missing a lot. I haven't been in the forum for many months. As has grown, its picked up a lot of Joneses, and some of them are masquerading as frugal folk.

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, in a review of Dickens' Little Nell:
    "You have to have a heart of stone not to laugh." Smile

  15. LuckyRobin Says:

    Okay, maybe 80% of it actually was brought on by one person, not you BA, you have more brains in your littlest toenail than to act like that. And Ima, you obviously know who I'm talking about and I cannot believe the way she has treated you in that thread when all you tried to do was help. Disgraceful.

    I'm glad to see its not just me being so nice person and that lots of people get fed up with this sort of thing, too. Common sense, at least its embraced on the blogs, hmm?

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