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Not as bad as last time

January 11th, 2007 at 04:57 am

Yeah, right. So far we have one foot of snow, but it was supposed to be not as bad as last time. Silly meterologists, predicting the weather is not for mere mortal men.

We did not end up going to the meeting tonight, the roads are like glass. Did they reschedule the meeting? No. Did I write a disgruntled email to the school district superintendant? Yes. I shouldn't have to risk my life on the roads to meet their stupid state law standards.

As of 4 p.m. six school buses had slid off the road, 2 semi-trucks had jack-knifed and several cars were in ditches county-wide. But no, we aren't going to reschedule. I don't think they actually want parents to attend. Hence them not even sending the information notice home until last night. Not the brightest people in the world, those who run our school district. Scary thought, isn't it?

Today ended up being a no spend day as we weren't about to go out on the roads just for one item at the grocery store.

Dinner was a smorgasboard of leftovers for everyone but me. There wasn't enough for me, so I had whole wheat pancakes, ham, some cherries, and a salad. Weird, I know, but I do try to balance my meals.

Our neighbor had the nerve to ask us if he could borrow money again. He still owes us $11.55 that he has said at least 3 times he will pay back on "payday" but whenever payday came he never did.

Even if we had the money we wouldn't loan it to him. When DH said we had no cash on hand (well, except $7 or so in the change jar and we need to save that for milk in case we can't get to town we can use it at the gas station) he had the nerve to ask for us to write out a check to the store for him. Yeah, right. I don't give my mother a blank check for anything, let alone some guy with a history like his. I don't believe some people.

2 Responses to “Not as bad as last time”

  1. rduell Says:

    Wow! You guys are having quite the run of bad weather, aren't you? And us, in northern Pa (where we usually get a lot of lake-effect snow) have gotten hardly anything!

    Your situation makes me realize how important it is to have a stash of emergency money at home. That's going to be the first thing out of DH's paycheck tonight!

  2. fern Says:

    Some people will just keep on taking unless you draw a line in the sand. Be careful with this guy! (I would just say "sorry.")

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