Home > Do Fruit Flies Vacuum?

Do Fruit Flies Vacuum?

January 8th, 2007 at 06:45 am

Cause if they do, I want to put them to work. Gotta earn their living just like the rest of us.

I've put out 3 apple cider vinegar traps and there are a couple caught in them. DH got impatient with the traps and he decided he was going to suck them up the vacuum hose. And as long as he moved slowly, it worked. Apparently fruit flies are stupid. And they do vacuum.

3 Responses to “Do Fruit Flies Vacuum?”

  1. janH Says:

    I'd be going: Look, Hubby, over there on the carpet....vacuum up all that area to make sure they are gone! And: Are you sure they aren't in the bedroom??? lol

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Only thing is, vaccums are real energy hogs, according to my recent appliance wattage use tests.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Jan--Hubby does most of the vacuuming anyway, as I have bad dust allergies. What he doesn't do, Rose does.

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