Home > Game Day

Game Day

January 7th, 2007 at 09:40 am

Rose's basketball games went pretty well today--for Rose. Our team lost both games but Rose made the most baskets of any of her teammates in the first game and was one of only 3 people to make any baskets on her team on the second game.

The first game was against our own school's other team and they have most of the 6th graders and the 5th graders they do have are the most advanced players. They didn't divide it up well, not mixing the experienced kids with the less so ones. Of the 10 kids on Rose's team, only half have played before. And this is the team they practice and scrimmage with, so we knew going in we wouldn't beat them. I just told Rose to do her best and she did.

The second game went pretty well considering that 5 out of 10 of their players were half a head to 8 inches taller than Rose who is the tallest girl on her team. There's not too much you can do when people outreach you by that
much, so I'm proud my daughter did so well against them.

I do wish they would have separate 5th and 6th grade teams and not combine
them together. They have enough kids to do it and its hard when you are
overmatched because of height, even though you play well.

I just wish that the girl who used to bully Rose would get her act together. She used to be such a good player and now she's just acting like a ditz and has made maybe one basket in 3 games when she used to be a top scorer. She doesn't pay any attention to what's going on around her, I don't know why she is even out there if she isn't going to give it her best. Well, she doesn't bully Rose anymore. Kind of hard to when Rose has flown right past her in skills this year. It's a good thing Rose isn't the vindictive sort or she'd have good reason to bully back now. Or at least tease.

Anyway, I still feel really good about Rose, knowing she is getting better and better all the time and trying hard.

We got smart and packed lunches today for the kids, since the games were from 12 to 2 and they just get so hungry. If we hadn't packed food, they would have wanted to go down the road to the Casino and get sub sandwiches at their market store that has a Port of Subs in it. Wanted to prevent the "can we eat outs" from happening.

After that we went into my mother's house to do laundry and Mom took over so we could go do the rest of our grocery shopping. We are trying for a weekend shop that means we won't shop again for the month except to buy eggs and milk. That is the best way I can think of right now to keep to the grocery budget of $200 a month.

Then Mom decided to take the kids overnight so we came home without them. I made whole wheat hamburger buns tonight as we are planning on making cheeseburgers for lunch tomorrow. I've got a few ideas to try next time to see if they might work better. We put them in a 9 X 13 glass pan and next time I think we'll try using a cookie sheet instead. The pan works great for rolls but less great for buns. I think I'll see about finding a different whole wheat bun recipe that's a little different, too.

It's late now so I will post our spending journal for today tomorrow.

3 Responses to “Game Day”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    You were so smart to pack lunches! I have been trying to stave off the "can we eat outs" too! With a little planning and forsight, it is not hard!

  2. living_in_oz Says:

    LOL! Reading your post is like living a day in my life!!!LOL Basketball tournaments! My son did them for several years. Finally he decided that he's not the basketball sorta fellow. Now, he's strickly football and wrestling. BUT, the wrestling tournaments are worse than basketball! We generally have to be there by 7am(and sometimes there a hundred miles away!) and we don't get to leave until 4:00. We don't have to worry about it this season though. He broke is his leg at his last football game of the season. So, no wrestling for him this year. It's kind of a nice break!LOL

    DD#2 is an AWESOME basketball player. She's always the high scorer. Funny thing is, she doesn't even really have to try...she's just got a natural talent for it. Also, our basketball teams are made up of 2 grade levels too. DD is still young, only second grade. She plays on a 1st and 2nd grade team. BUT, of course some people moved their Kindergarteners up, so we have 3 Kindergarteners playing on a team with several 2nd graders! It's just not right! It makes it unfair for the older kids who are serious about their games.

    BTW, we always pack our lunches and snacks. Eating consession food is too expensive and too unhealthy. Lots of times we'll maybe let the kids pick one thing from the consession stand(like M&M's). But, we always bring food and drinks from home.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oooo. Nice break, bad pun!

    Our school system doesn't allow kids to play basketball until the 3rd grade because they don't consider them to have the coordination or the strength to heave a ball 9 feet in the air to the basket. The baskets won't come down lower than that here. I am glad. Soccer is enough at the younger levels, though the kids are lobbying hard for baseball/softball this spring.

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