Home > Definitely a Spend Day

Definitely a Spend Day

December 7th, 2006 at 06:10 am

$50 for Physical Therapy appointment.
$15 co-pay to take Rose to the doctor.
$10 perscription of Flonase.
$10 perscription of generic Zithromax.
$23 at KFC.

No shopping after all today, and ended up taking Rose to the doctor. She has a sinus infection. Plus something else. She managed to take her medication, then 3 hours later she threw up. Sigh. I hope it was down long enough to enter her system. Obviously she missed basketball practice today.

I was going to try to go to the doctor myself tomorrow as I think I also have a sinus infection, now I will most likely just stay home with Rose. Maybe he will call me in something without my having to see him. He does that sometimes just because I know the symptoms so well. Or maybe Rose will be okay enough for me to drag her with me.

I so do not have the energy for a sick child right now. But if it has to be one of them, Rose is the better patient. She'll stay in bed and rest. Tobias just gets hyper most of the time when he is sick.

The school rescheduled conferences again for next week, on Wednesday and DH flies in next Wednesday morning so it looks liike he'll get to go after all. Of course, I'm thinking the school setting a schedule for them again is just them asking for another natural disaster or weather incident. We will see.

2 Responses to “Definitely a Spend Day”

  1. janH Says:

    Yikes. Hope your family gets well soon!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Feel better, both of you!

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