Home > Possible New Job for DH

Possible New Job for DH

August 8th, 2006 at 12:03 pm

DH and I had a long phone conversation last night. His company has an opening for a higher position and it looks like he may have a shot at getting it. He's been with the company for 10 years and has a very good reputation as a hard working, detail-oriented person. When he got his second degree 4 years ago it was for what this position does.

I am so hoping he gets it. If he does the starting scale is $1000 net per month more than what he makes now. Net. Not gross. $12,000 a year more take home pay. When I think where we could use that much money...Of course, he would no longer be on a 2 and 2, he'd be on a 3 and 3. That would be hard. Especially for the kids. But he'd be home for a longer stretch of time when he was home.

And instead of having to buy 12 plane tickets a year, he'd only have to buy 9, which is a savings of from $1500 to $2000 a year. It would also mean 3 less hotel bills for a total of $300. So ultimately closer to $14,000 more net a year.

Because it is in the same company there would be no changes in his medical, dental or vision benefits.

And that is just the starting wage. The position tops out at $575 a day. This would be the answer to just so many of our problems. To not have to pinch quite so tightly on everything. We could get the credit cards paid off, then the house mortgage, then the medical mortgage on Mom's house. And buy the car we need to get soon. It would make all of our goals reachable in ten years time.

I'm afraid to hope for it. I don't want to start counting any chickens either. But if...if, if, would be pretty wonderful. And I'd still use everything that I have learned in the past 4 months here at this site. I'm not about to let go again and go wild with money. I'll still do my surveys and my click-thrus and my product evaluations. But maybe I'd be able to use them to open my own IRA instead of for a down payment on a car.

The last time I prayed this hard was when I was trying to carry a pregnancy to term the last time. I eventually got that 2nd surviving child, albeit with a boatload of medical bills between the two. Not to mention all the ones that came afterwards. (At least I never had to pay for infertility stuff. Getting pregnant was never the problem. Staying that way was.) Now with this, we would finally be able to put a dent in those bills.

I really, really want this. Almost as much as I wanted my kids. Is it wrong to want something this much?

4 Responses to “Possible New Job for DH”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I will be praying for your husbands success! The new position sounds so wonderful. I hope he gets it!Smile

  2. ima saver Says:

    No, it is not wrong, it sounds wonderful and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You have my good wishes as well...I really, really, really hope it works out for all of you!! Big Grin

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thank you! I will take all the good wishes, good luck and prayers I can get!

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