Home > Savings Update

Savings Update

August 7th, 2006 at 08:23 pm

$10 from paypal came through to my credit union so I transferred that to my savings account. That total is now at $558. I will deposit $15 in rolled coin today. I ended up using the Sacajewea dollar to pay a fine of my husband's at the library. But I will replace that dollar along with the $5 I found in the McD's parking lot that I ended up using for gas (because I'd left my Shell cards at home) on Friday when we get paid.

I forgot about an auto payment that will come due one day before payday so I will put the check from SendEarnings in my regular account and then move that amount to my savings CU on Friday also.

I took the weekend off from doing click-thrus so I won't be cashing anything out this week, I don't think.

Oh, the $1.71 from cashforaction finally showed up in my paypal account today so I transferred that to my CU. I am still waiting for the $5 from the other one to show up at paypal.

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