Home > My Mortgage

My Mortgage

June 13th, 2006 at 01:25 am

I decided to figure out exactly where I am on my house mortgage and I have exactly 11 years (minus 1/2 a month's payment). Each payment I try to make a little extra. Usually it is $24.14 but if I have it, I will try to make it $124.14 extra. We have had it for what will be 3 years in October, so we've managed to knock off over a year already. It doesn't seem like it makes that much difference as we go along, but obviously it does. Total balance left on the mortgage is $36,890.07.

2 Responses to “My Mortgage”

  1. campfrugal Says:

    That's awesome. I want my mortgage paid off also. Keep up the good work.

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    If you're knowledgeable with Excel, they have a template where you can enter in your mortgage info and put in a certain amount each month toward principle, and it will show you exactly what you would save, and how much more quickly the mortgage would be paid off.

    If anyone wants to know how to do it, leave a comment in my blog and I'll post instructions...

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