Home > Under $16K

Under $16K

October 11th, 2012 at 07:48 am

The mortgage posted to the account today and we are officially under $16K left to pay it off. $15,805.41 is the exact total. Over 80% of the payment goes to principal now. Of course we will probably sell it before it is paid off, but I still like watching it roll back past each $1000.

Speaking of things that roll, our car just hit 11,500 miles and we've had it for 16 months. Which averages out to 718.75 per month, but honestly the bulk of it was put on during our summer driving vacation in 2011, driving back and forth to Virginia Mason for tests, the surgery, more tests, follow ups and more follow ups. In an average month I'll probably drive 300 miles. In a non-average month, like when we go to the zoo or the science center it might be closer to 500, but those months are rare. When we lived out in the country we were easily driving 15,000 miles a year. We drive so much less in town.


DH is home safely now. Looks like he might only need to work one extra week around Christmas and not two. His alternate piped up wanting some extra hours, too. So they decided to split it. It'll still be a nice amount of extra money, just not as much as we were expecting. I'm not counting on it for anything anyway. I know better than that.


I slept pretty well last night, but I guess my body is making up for that tonight by keeping me up hacking. And it was so darn hot in the house I opened the window, but I only got to air it out a little before PePe went for a stroll and marked his territory. The skunk comes through at least once a week and always, it seems, when I am too hot and need to open the window, the stinker.


DD went to school today and seems to be feeling much, much better, which gives me hope that in a couple of days I will be, too. DS is not as sick as me yet, but he held off on showing symptoms longer, so he's probably just a few days behind me.

We managed to do math, vocabulary, grammer, usage and mechanics, and literature before I had to stop and die for a while. DH stepped in and did science and history. Hopefully he can do that for the rest of the week while I try to get better.


I cancelled my physical therapy today on account of how I feel, so that saved my $90 for the week. I've rescheduled for Monday, though. Hopefully I won't be contagious by then.

6 Responses to “Under $16K”

  1. Momma and the boys living on budget Says:

    That is great news on your mortgage payment!! Exciting stuff

  2. TexasDisneyGirl Says:


  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on a lower mortgage! Any sign of it selling soon?

  4. ThriftoRama Says:

    Gah! So jealous of the mortgage balance, but I will just have to keep chip chip chipping away!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Way to go on the mortgage!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    CCF--No, it hasn't been put on the market yet, they are still painting the inside, then we have to deal with the carpets.

    Thrift--As soon as we sell it, we'll be taking on another mortgage for a new house so I'll be back to chipping then, too.

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