Home > A Little Financial Housekeeping

A Little Financial Housekeeping

July 22nd, 2011 at 11:33 pm

I balanced the checkbook. Apparently my brain is working enough to do that. It has about $40 left in it after the check I just wrote clears. I don't need to write any other checks this month, so that is just fine.

The aforementioned check written was to my daughter's pre-diabetes nutrtion counselor for our last visit, $11.57 for our share.

I have $700 in savings for all bills that will arise between 8/1 and 8/4. Our next payday is 8/5. I will likely use less than $100 of that for groceries between now and then, as well. Since I'm not up for any shopping right now, I will mostly try to use stuff from the freezer and pantry between now and then anyway. On Monday, I will need to transfer $500 from ING back into checking that I set aside to pay the AMEX bill. We need to pay the dues to our HoA out at the old house, too. I forget how much it is. I know it works out to saving $17 a month so I just need to add up six months worth and then pull it from the holding tank where I have been saving it. Did the math, it's $102.

I will have to pick up my prescription sleeping pill though. At least to use when DH is home. Apparently if I can't take the painkillers (which I've stopped because of how sick they made me), I don't pass out enough to sleep through his snoring. *sighs* He leaves on Monday though, so I will try to not take them at all while he is gone. Then I can stretch them twice as long.

I emptied DH's wallet of all his coins. There was $4.83. I added it to the coin jar. I know there are enough quarters for a roll and probably enough dimes and pennies, but I will do that tomorrow.

2 Responses to “A Little Financial Housekeeping”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    It's interesting to see how those coins add up, isn't it? It's an easy way to save money.

    Years ago banks used to give these little folders to save dimes in and they looked like a piggy bank or a kitty. I had one and gave it to a restaurant server because she is trying to figure out ways to save money. I wish they made them again.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Remember that sleep and rest = quicker healing missy! I hope you continue to keep things down and recover quickly. It is no fun trying to run a household when you are weak and in pain- let alone do it solo. Hugs!

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