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From Cable to Savings to 5 months of Blogging

September 8th, 2006 at 11:14 pm

Today I deposited the former amount of our cable bill, $65, into savings, bringing the total in that account to $885. I need to deposit just $25 more to hit my monthly goal of $100 saved, and just $115 to hit my next goal of $1000 saved. I am so psyched to see those numbers keep on going up.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my first blog entry here. I've been blogging 5 months. Wow. I sure have come a long way from only having about $150 in savings (only cause I hadn't spent it yet!) and being sure it was impossible to save anything with all of our debt, to managing to save at least $100 a month and still put a little extra towards paying off debt. It amazes me to think what just a few months of hanging around the people on this forum has done to me. It has totally altered my thinking.

DH called today and the man who injured his knee up at work may not be back in time to cover one week of his shift, so if that is the case, DH will go back up a week early next time he's home and do that job for a week. It will get him a bit of experience in a field engineer's job and he will be able to see whether he likes the work in that position or not. But if the guy's knee is okay, then it won't happen. So no counting chickens yet.

The extra week would be $1900 that could go straight onto one of the credit cards. I would really like that. Unless they paid him at the field engineer's rate (which I doubt since its temp) then it would be closer to $2400, which would go even further. But again, no chicken counting. I refuse to do that until I hear them clucking. LOL

DH said that the new guy is needing a lot of hand holding and it is irritating his bosses, so maybe if knee guy stays healthy, new guy will tank. Oh, isn't that awful of me? I shouldn't even be halfway wishing that, its so mean. But I am.

4 Responses to “From Cable to Savings to 5 months of Blogging”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Congratulations! I've really enjoyed reading your blogs...

  2. homebody Says:

    Yes these blogs are definitely helping keep the mind set! I wish I had more time to participate.

  3. baselle Says:

    Wow. Look at you, girl! I remember when you thought that saving 20$ month was insanity. $100!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks, everyone.

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