Home > Savings Update

Savings Update

July 17th, 2006 at 08:58 pm

2 paypal transfers came through to my CU today, increasing my savings account by $6 to $488.34. Just $11.66 to go to hit my next savings goal of $500, which I will get to this month.

I have to decide if my next goal will be $750 or $1000. I had been doubling my goals but I'm afraid I might lose a bit of my motivation if it takes me another $500 to meet my next goal. I tend to be more of a baby steps person. And at the moment, I can't quite conceive of having $1000 in my savings account.

Of course, 3 months ago, I don't think I would have thought $500 was possible, either. But Thursday will bring an auto transfer of $10 and I should be cashing out a click-thru tomorrow, which should appear by Friday, and that means that goal will be met, for real, in actual cash. Wow.

I am looking forward to that.

2 Responses to “Savings Update”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    Nicely done!!!

  2. jodi_m Says:

    Yeah for you!!

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