Home > More Produce Savings

More Produce Savings

July 8th, 2014 at 03:03 am

Amount of organic produce harvested today and its local value:

2 quarts of blueberries $16.00
1 pint of blackberries $8.00
1.5 pints of raspberries $6.00
1 green bibb lettuce $2.00
1 bunch of kale $2.50

$34.50 total

$109.50 Produce to date
+_34.50 Today's harvest
$144.00 Total

$256 to go to pay back my garden investment for this year.

I got 3 ducks eggs today. Tally so far is 23. I forgot about the 2 I used in peanut butter cookies.

1 Responses to “More Produce Savings”

  1. SecretarySaving Says:

    You are such an inspiration with your garden. You do work hard and keep up with it. Great investment.

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