Home > Homeschooling Question

Homeschooling Question

July 23rd, 2012 at 05:57 pm

I know some of you on here homeschool. Does anyone know of a good 7nth grade pre-algebra math program other than Saxon? I like Saxon to a certain extent, but it is very repetitive and my son kind of balks at that. Preferrably one that does not cost an arm and a leg.

Also a grammar and writing program? I would like something that is very engaging. I've pretty much found what I will use for all the other subjects, but I'm waffling with whether or not I want to go with the Saxon program there. Again, if it's not too pricy that would be good. I have found a good free spelling program I am going to go with and it will double as vocabulary.

I'd prefer them to be secular or if they are religious based programs to be non-preachy and non-denominational. I don't want to have to pay extra attention to the curriculum to keep out things that don't quite match up with our religious beliefs.

I have found the history and science programs we are going to use so now it's just a matter of nailing down the other two.

8 Responses to “Homeschooling Question”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I do not homeschool but I was in our local Math'n'Stuff store on Saturday looking for Singapore Math and curriculum bridge workbooks for my tot. www . singaporemath . com / Secondary_math_s / 22. htm has some workbooks. Seattle parents regardless of denomination like the Singapore Math as it is superior in content compared to what the Seattle School district and its School Board voted in.

  2. momcents Says:

    I can only speak from a non-secular POV, but have you looked into the public school online curricula? I believe they are free of charge because it is an option under public schooling. I've heard good things from parents who have used it.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    When we homeschooled, we used the Keys To... math series for several subjects. They are simple black & white workbooks, they start with a basic fact followed by problems. Slowly, another concept is introduced in increments, followed by more problems. You can work through quickly or go slowly.

    They have a Keys To...Algebra. It has 10 thin workbooks and an answer key. Amazon has it new from $27.80. Smile

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    I also used to hear great things about Singapore math, but I have never seen or used it.

    For grammar/writing, we enrolled in a creative writing class and used a curriculum called Daily Grams. You would read and correct 6 or so sentences each day. That was at grade school level, they also have a jr/sr high level and I am unsure if those are lengthier or not. Daily Grams are also inexpensive, Amazon has the jr/sr high book new from $13.93.

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    And don't forget about free online resources.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    I am not sure on how the price fits your expectations but I *highly* recommend IXL. It's what my kids use at their public school - it is an internet program. {I peeked at the price and think it is reasonable for what it is}.

    The entire school has been testing off the charts in math. We've really appreciated because it keeps our kids challenged in their grade (with their peers). But even the math-challenged have been really thriving with this program. OF course the crazy thing is they have only been utilizing this program for about a year at our school. Results immediate.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Momcents--We did WAVA (the free state online program) for 3rd and 4th grade for DS and for 7nth and 8th grade for DD and while I find the program excellent in some areas it was not at all challenging in others, and it was very rigid in how much chair time you had to put in and if you wanted to take your spring break or Christmas break different days from what they did it would mess up the schedule. And they didn't like it if you just took a day off (say to go to the science center or a museum), even if you worked on scheduled school days off instead. Plus you are still fully tied to the public school system and all that entangles.

    Honestly, my son can get through an entire day's worth of school work in three hours usually, but we had to record 6 hours of chair time daily. It should be about work completion and not hours.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Paulette--Hmm...Singapore might be just what we are looking for.

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    Petunia--Thanks. We have used Daily Grams before. I didn't realize it went past elementary school levels.

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    MM--I like what I see so far. It looks really good. And the price is not bad at all.

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