Home > Barely Awake, Meal Planning for Day 1 of No Eating Out Challenge

Barely Awake, Meal Planning for Day 1 of No Eating Out Challenge

December 6th, 2011 at 04:21 pm

Though I got at least six hours of sleep last night, it does not make up for the less than three the night before. Today after my doctor's appointment I am taking a nap. I meet with the knee surgeon today so cross your fingers for me that I can get in for surgery this month and not have to wait until January or February on the new deductible. I would really prefer not to have to hand over $2500 right out of the gate.

Was extremely tempted to break my no eating out challenge this morning on day one, but didn't. I wanted to go to McD's and get a large hot chocolate because it was just so cold this morning. And an egg McMuffin. I do not need either one of these when I am trying to eat healthier right now and lose another 10 pounds. I resisted. Instead I am having chicken sausage, oolong tea, and cucumber slices for breakfast. Much more satisfying and definitely much better for me.

I found a New York strip steak that I got on mark down a while back in the freezer so I am having that for lunch with a lettuce, baby spinach, and e.v. olive oil salad.

Dinner will be roasted turkey thighs and necks that were marked down after Thanksgiving, baked sweet potatoes, and green beans. We all love turkey necks here. They are so tender. Most people just throw them in the gravy or use them for soup stock because there isn't too much meat on them, but they are wonderfully delicious roasted.

2 Responses to “Barely Awake, Meal Planning for Day 1 of No Eating Out Challenge”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    I bet if your doctor knew you needed to do it this year for insurance reason, they'd make sure you had it done before 2012. It's an extreme case, but my friend's OB scheduled her for an induction two weeks before her due date so she could squeeze the baby out before new years and the new deductible! That baby squeaked in a couple hours before new years!

  2. PNW Mom Says:

    I absolutely LOVE McDonald's hot and creamy....and probably oh so full of not needed calories!

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