Home > Eight Weeks!

Eight Weeks!

November 19th, 2011 at 04:53 am

They said it could take up to 8 weeks to fix my computer as there are three things wrong with it (and it might require the screen being replaced and parts being ordered from Japan, yikes). I'm not going to go that long without a computer or the internet. So, I've been putting money aside again in a laptop fund and we used it to buy a cheapie. It's a bit more than a Netbook, but it's an off brand so it was quite inexpensive. It has a great keyboard though, so I can keep up with my book writing and short stories, as well as this blog, my diet support group and online tracking software, and all the financial spreadsheets.

I downloaded Open Office. I'm not going to buy another MS Office program and the one I had can only be installed on one computer, and hopefully can actually be reinstalled on that one. But at least Open Office works for my writing and my financial spreadsheets, so yay.

The laptop cost $379 plus $33.35 in tax. It wiped out my laptop fund again, but I will start adding to it again next month. It came with a six month free trial run of Kaspersky anti-virus and I installed my free malware program as well.

DH and I are considering dropping the gym membership. With my knee the way it is, I have a hard time even swimming right now and he's in an off exercise phase. Maybe we can pick it up again after my knee heals from the next surgery, but for now it seems like a waste of money. We aren't on a contract anymore so no cancelling fee. Our other option is to opt out for three months. We'll figure it out.

2 Responses to “Eight Weeks!”

  1. littlegopher Says:

    8 weeks - unbelievable! The effects of that tsunami will be around for a while.

    It's getting to be that you do more and more on the computer, so it is really a hardship to be without one for very long...sounds like a very good solution!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Eek! I can't imagine living without computer access for 8 weeks!! If I was given that prognosis, I would raid whatever rainy day funds and the couch change Smile to get enough to get *some* kind of replacement.

    Glad you were able to get an inexpensive replacement quickly. Big Grin

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