Home > Cheese Sauce

Cheese Sauce

April 6th, 2007 at 02:06 am

NewlyFrugal asked for my cheese sauce recipe so I'll post it here. Not the most frugal of recipes but good for getting rid of cheese and sour cream, and using on veggies that have seen better days.

1 pound extra sharp cheddar cheese
8 ounces sour cream (I use Daisy as it has no fillers)
1 jumbo egg
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp dry mustard

Shred cheese and melt in the top of a double boiler with 3 inches water in bottom of double boiler (you can just use a metal or glass bowl resting above but not touching 3 inches of water in a sauce pan). Water should be boiling.

When cheese is melty add sour cream and stir in until completely absorbed. Stir up an egg and pour in slowly as you stir mixture. Continue to stir for a couple of minutes while egg is absorbed (also helps to cook the egg so it is not a salmonella danger). Add in mustard and paprika, stir until no longer visible. Pour over veggies or use as a dip. This can be warmed up later but its best to do it on a double boiler again as the microwave makes it change texture a bit. Still tastes good though.

I have actually booted my paprika and mustard up to 1 tbsp each, but I'd start with less the first time.

I don't like sour cream but I like this recipe.

2 Responses to “Cheese Sauce”

  1. newlyfrugal Says:

    That sounds fabulous! Cheese is actually pretty cheap around here (in WI) so this is a frugal recipe for me. Does it keep and reheat fairly well? We only have a small family so if it can keep we can probably make it ahead and then just use what we need. Anything to make broccoli taste better is fine with me! Smile

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    It keeps for about a week. If you warm it up in the microwave the texture is weird, so I recommend warming it up over a double boiler again.

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